Sunday, December 29, 2019

Popular Horse Racing Careers

Popular Horse Racing CareersPopular Horse Racing CareersThere are a variety of career options for those wanting to work in the horse racing industry. Here are some of the most popular options for careers at the racetrack Racehorse Trainer Racehorse trainers supervise the care and training of the horses in their racing stable. They work with veterinarians, farriers, exercise rider, and jockeys to provide comprehensive equine care and maximize each horses performance. While no specific education is required, most trainers work as assistants before striking out on their own. Trainers must obtain a professional license in each state where they plan to race a horse. In terms of compensation, trainers charge a day rate for each horses basic care positiv 10 percent of purse money won. Income can vary widely based on the stables number of horses in training as well as the level of success that the stable has at the races. Jockey A jockey rides racehorses in competition and must meet stringent weight requirements to be eligible to compete (most jockeys weigh in at 100 to 115 pounds). They may ride in as many as 8 or 9 races per day, and some jockeys also ride horses in their morning workouts to become familiar with their individual quirks and racing styles. Jockeys must first obtain an apprentice license and win the required number of races before advancing to a journeyman jockeys license. Jockeys earn a fee for each mount plus a percentage of their mounts earnings. Earnings can vary widely based on the frequency that a jockey can win races and the number of horses they ride each day. Jockey Agent A jockey agent lines up mounts for the jockey that they represent. Their job involves talking to trainers to book mounts, evaluating races to determine the most viable prospects, keeping a log of riding engagements, and performing administrative tasks such as making travel arrangements. Jockey agents must be licensed in the states where their jockeys compete. The y receive about 25 percent of the jockeys earnings as compensation, so agents representing top riders will earn top dollar. Exercise Rider Exercise riders ride racehorses during morning workouts. They can maintain a higher weight than jockeys but still must generally tip the scales at 150 pounds or less. A license is required to ride at the racetrack. Work begins before dawn and usually ends before noon. Exercise riders are compensated for each horse that they ride daily, and they may ride 6 to 8 horses each morning. Many riders maintain a second part-time job occupy their afternoon hours. Track Veterinarian Track veterinarians administer a variety of medications, check horses for fitness to compete on race day, and take post-race samples to be tested for banned and illegal medications. They also treat injured horses and perform a variety of exams at the request of owners and trainers. A license is required to work at the track. Equine veterinarians must make a significant c ommitment of time and money to earn their DVM degree, but they can earn a salary of $85,000 or more each year. Farrier A farrier is concerned with maintaining the health of the equine foot. They perform routine trims, shape and apply shoes, and consult on lamenesses or other soundness issues. Farriers may achieve professional certification from a variety of associations and training schools, or they may choose to learn through an apprenticeship with a master farrier. In 2011, the average compensation for farriers was $92,600 with the frequency of shoeing on the track, racehorse farriers can earn even higher salaries. Groom Grooms provide day-to-day care for the horses assigned to them by the trainer. Routine duties include bandaging legs, mucking out stalls, grooming, and saddling. Grooms also watch their horses carefully for signs of injury or illness. Six day work weeks are common for grooms, and a license is required to work at the track. Compensation for grooms usually r anges from $8 to $15 per hour, and they often receive bonuses when one of their charges wins a race. Bloodstock Agent Bloodstock agents represent buyers and sellers of racehorses, provide professional appraisals of value, and purchase horses at auction on behalf of clients. There is no educational requirement or licensing of bloodstock agents, but they must have an excellent knowledge of pedigrees and a good eye for evaluating equine conformation. Most agents earn 5 percent commission on sales that they broker and some agents earn a fee for being kept on retainer to provide regular advice to clients. Top agents can easily earn six-figure salaries.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Outsmart your own decision biases

Outsmart yur own decision biasesOutsmart your own decision biasesWelcome to human nature. We are all, to varying degrees, prejudiced.We are influenced by different unconscious biases.Theodore Roosevelt once said, In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is leidhing.You make thousands of rational decisions every day?- ?or so you thinkPrejudice impact our thinking every day, but few of us even know they exist, saysNorma Montague, assistant professor of accounting at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.The word bias has a negative connotation, but its most often unintentional and a result of heuristicsmental shortcuts that allow people to make quick, efficient decisions, she says.Good decisions are often the result, but not always.We see ourselves as possessing the truth. Yet we all chose prey to human egocentricity (an inability to understand or assume any perspect ive other than our own)?- ?although not to the same degree.None of us will ever be a perfect thinker, but we can all be better thinkers.Deep and critical thinking is hard. Learning how to think is even harder. Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it, said Henry Ford.Thinking means sifting through information, filtering the most important piece, and connecting it to a framework that you can use.The ability to think and process multiple pieces of information quickly and effectively is a vital skill to have.No matter what your circumstance or goals, no matter where you are or what problems you face, you are better off if you are in control of your thinking, and apply better-thinking models in both short-term and long-term decisions.Dont confuse IQ with thinking, fast or slow.Those with high IQ are not necessarily life smart.IQ tests are very good at measuring certain mental faculties, including logic, abstract reasoning, learning abil ity and working-memory capacity?- ?how much information you can hold in mind.But when it comes to abilities crucial to making good judgements in real-life situations, you need more than a test score.Whether youre answering hard questions, making impromptu remarks, analyzing a situation, or synthesizing data, critical thinking on your feet is crucial.A high IQ is like height in a basketball player, saysDavid Perkins, who studies thinking and reasoning skills at Harvard Graduate School of Education in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is very important, all other things being equal. But all other things arent equal. Theres a lot more to being a good basketball player than being tall, and theres a lot more to being a good thinker than having a high IQ.In our fast-paced and fluid world, youve got to be able to pull out the right piece of knowledge at the right time.The good news is that everyone can improve their rational thinking and decision-making skills.Think about yourthinkingMetacognit ion, as this is known, is a crucial skill.Thinking about thinking is the ability to know what we know and what we dont know.It is the ability to plan a strategy for producing the information that is needed, to be conscious of your own steps and strategies during the act of problem-solving, and to reflect on and evaluate the productiveness of your own thinking.How many times do you stop yourself and think about your thought processes and the heuristics you apply in making judgements in life or business?InThe Art of Thinking Clearly, authorRolf Dobelliwrites, Whether we like it or not, we are puppets of our emotions. We make complex decisions by consulting our feelings, not our thoughts. Against our best intentions, we substitute the question, What do I think about this? with How do I feel about this?Unless you actively think about which mental shortcuts is best suited for the task at hand, you could end up making bad judgements when it matters most.Many scientists argue that the best predictor of good judgment isnt intelligence or experience its the willingness to engage in introspection.Dont over-persevereYour decisions are tainted by the emotional investments you accumulate, and the more you invest in something the harder it becomes to abandon it.Do you think you make smart, rational decisions most of the time?Chances are good that even if you pride yourself on being rational most of the time, you leise occasionally fall for the sunk-cost fallacy.The sunk-cost fallacy sees us continue to invest in an established project rather than cutting loose when something is over budget.Put another way, dont over-persevere.Quit early when it mattersIn psychologistDaniel Kahnemansbook,Thinking Fast and Slow, he writes about how he and his colleague Amos Tversky through their work in the 1970s and 80s uncovered the imbalance between losses and gains in your mind.Kahneman explains that since all decisions involve uncertainty about the future, the human brain you use to make decisions has evolved an automatic and unconscious system for judging how to proceed when a potential for loss arises.We often dont quit early enough, says Kahneman.Behavioral economistDan Arielyadds a fascinating twist to lose aversion in his book,Predictably Irrational.He writes that when factoring the costs of any exchange, you tend to focus more on what you may lose in the bargain than on what you stand to gain.The pain of paying, as he puts it, arises whenever you must give up anything you own. The precise amount doesnt matter at first.Youll feel the pain no matter what price you must pay, and it will influence your decisions and behaviours.Stay in the present, and cut your losses.Plan for theworstDenis Waitleyonce said, Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised.As paradoxical as it sounds?- ?The best way to shield yourself from nasty surprises is to anticipate them.We tend to make plans which are unrealistically close to best-case scenarios.We prefer to ignore statistics suggesting things may go wrong, and ignore the probability of whatDonald Rumsfeldfamously called unknown unknowns.Pessimists might already be great at planning for worst case scenarios.Persevere and by all means pursue your life goals, but you need to get some plan in place for when the unexpected happens.Some events, no matter how much you plan, will still be a major blow.The loss of a job, the diagnosis of a serious disease, or the loss of a home would be a major negative shock in anyones life, but proper planning ahead will make the difficult news easier to bear.Take a moment (and give your brain some time to think) before making your nextdecisionHeres the problem in our rapidly changing, high-pressured, distracting world, our working memory gets taxed.Your brains capacity is constantly overburdened and thus diminished in function over time.It pays to let your mind wander.Give it a break. This promotes the creative incubation process, giving you moments of fore sight every now and then.According to astudypublished in the Psychological Science, the brains capacity for original and creative thinking is enhanced by stray thoughts, obsessive ruminations and other forms of mental load.The findings suggest that innovative thinking, not routine ideation, is our default cognitive mode when our minds are clear.Honing an ability to unburden the load on your mind, be it through meditation or some other practice, can bring with it a wonderfully magnified experience of the world?- ?and, as the study suggests, of your own mind.Idleness is not just a vacation, an indulgence or a vice it is as indispensable to the brain as vitamin D is to the body, and deprived of it we suffer a mental affliction as disfiguring as rickets, essayistTim Kreiderwrote in The New York Times.Everyone could use more white space during the week.Make a decision to make time. You wont create time for thinking if you dont actively make the time for it.Commit to spending a few hours every week on thinking and reflection.At some point in the week, stop, sit down and just think.The unexamined life is not worth living, Socrates observed.You can quickly make life more pleasant, more fulfilling if you slow down.When you enter a space outside the flow of targets and deadlines, you can start to focus on what is happening in your life right now.Fine-tune your routine to make rational thinking and metacognition a regular feature of your day.Taking just a fraction of a second more to make a decision could help improve your decision-making accuracy, according to a recent PLoS ONE study.Postponing the onset of the decision process by as little as 50 to 100 milliseconds enables the brain to focus attention on the most relevant information and lager out irrelevant distractors, saidJack Grinband, PhD, associate research scientist in the Taub Institute and assistant professor of clinical radiology at Columbia University Medical Center.Even the smartest people exhibit biases in their judgments and choices. But with practice, you can anticipate and outsmart them by nudging yourself in the right direction when its time to make a life-changing decision.Before yougoIf you enjoyed this post, you will lovePostanly Weekly(my free digest of the best productivity, psychology, and neuroscience posts).Subscribeand get a free copy of my new book, The Power of One Percent Better Small Gains, Maximum Results.Join over 36,000 people on a mission to build a better life.Thisarticlefirst appeared onMedium.

Friday, December 20, 2019

10 Phrases to Drop From Your Vocabulary

10 Phrases to Drop From Your Vocabulary 10 Phrases to Drop From Your Vocabulary Researchers believe that the earliest spoken language was Mayan, which arosearound 7,000 years ago. Imagine, in 70 centuries, weve progressed to, and I was like,really?Whether you are leading a team meeting, presenting to a prospective client, or delivering a keynote speech to a global audience, verbal mistakes will undermineyour credibilityand distract from your message.If you want to haveintegrityandinfluence, consider dropping these mottos from your vocabulary1. Im Confused or I DontGet ItInstead of putting all the responsibility on the other person, take co-ownership. Say, Help me understand your position, and remain open.2. You Know What I Mean? and Does That Make Sense?Asking for constant validation chips away at your command.3. I was like or She was like The word like is an unsophisticated setup that gets in the way of your clarity and credibility.4. Um, Ah, Uh, You KnowWatch out for overuse of filler words. Practice pausing to counteract the clutter.5. Ive Been Too Busy or I Started Writing an Email and Forgot to Send ItExcuses are unattractive. Say, apologize for the inconvenience. You will have it by tomorrow.6. Out-of-the-Box ThinkingThis phraseshould be retired. We cant escape all the buzzwords and buzzphrases, but ones like this have become boring through overuse.7. You always Sweeping generalizations lack insight and get in the way of healthy dialogue. Be specific and avoid using vague blame tactics.8. I Think We Should Kind of Do It This WayTentative language waters down your presence as aconfident communicator. Make a solid recommendation and own it.9. I Hate to Say This, but orJohn Is a Good Person, but Dont try to disguise criticism with a layer of caring or say things that offer zero value.10. Really?Its an all-purpose complaint that sounds like whining. Try making an interesting observation instead.If you want to have more credibility and influence, be, uh, like, you know, more intentional in your communication. Replace negative tones and lackluster words with positive tones and authentic,appreciative words. Each new day is an opportunity to inspire greatness, so say something real.A version of this article originally appeared on SUCCESS.comLou Solomonis the founder and CEO of Interact, a leadership communication consultancy that helps Fortune 500 companies (like Goodrich, Wells Fargo, and Duke Energy), CEOs, managers, entrepreneurs, and their teams be true to their authentic selves and advance in leadership.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Military Commissioned Officer Promotions Rate and Time

Military Commissioned Officer Promotions Rate and TimeMilitary Commissioned Officer Promotions Rate and TimePromotions among the officer corps in the military usually begin by simply putting in time in rate and meeting the standard.Its fairly unusual to not meet the requirements to move from O-1 to O-3. But a few offenses may delay your trajectory or even push you off track for that promotion. Driving under the influence, committing a felony, failing training programs, or not meeting the extremum standards of the military are among the items that can prevent you from being promoted. DOD Promotion Requirements Changes in authorizations, losses, and promotions to the next higher grade create fluctuations in both the time in service (TIS) and time in grade (TIG) for each of the military services. However, the Department of Defense requires that promotion opportunities for commissioned officers be approximately the same for all of the services, when possible, within constraints of av ailable promotion positions. The chart below shows the point when commissioned officers (in any of the services) can expect to be promoted (assuming they are selected for promotion), based upon their time in service. Minimum time in grade for promotion is established by federal lawand is also shown in the chart below. Promote toTime in ServiceMinimum Time in Grade Required by LawPromotion Opportunity0-218 months18 monthsFully qualified (nearly 100 percent)0-34 years2 yearsFully qualified (nearly 100 percent)0-410 years3 yearsBest qualified (80 percent)0-516 years3 yearsBest qualified (70 percent)0-622 years3 yearsBest qualified (50 percent) Commissioned officers are recommended for promotion by their commanders and are selected by centralized (service-wide) promotion boards, which make promotion determinations based upon the officers promotion records. Explaining Above, Below, and In-The-Zone Promotions There are basically three promotion opportunitiesBelow-the-Zone, In-the-Zone , and Above-the-Zone. Below-the-Zone only applies for promotion to the rank of O-4 to O-6. One year before they would be eligible for In-the-Zone consideration, up to 10 percent of those recommended can be promoted Below-the-Zone. Most promotions occur In-the-Zone. Those not selected In-the-Zone will have one more chance, a year later The selection rate for Above-the-Zone is low, around 3%. The two fruchtwein significant factors in officers promotion records are their fitness report(s) and level of responsibility in their current and past assignments. A negative or mediocre fitness report can result in being passed over. Lack of current or previous assignments that had significant degrees of responsibility can also result in not being selected. Officer Promotion Line Numbers Once selected for promotion by the promotion board, not all officers are promoted at the same time. Instead, officers are assigned a line number. Each month, the service releases the line numbers of officers to be promoted. This process ensures a smooth promotion flow throughout the year following the promotion board. Line numbers are determined using the following criteria Date of Rank in their current gradeDate of Rank in their previous gradeTotal Active Federal Commissioned Service DateCommissioning Source Service Academy, ROTC, OCSTotal Federal Commissioned Service Date (which would include Guard/Reserve time)Regular Officer over Reserve OfficerDate of birthReverse Social Security number, with the lowest number taking precedence Military Reserves vs. Regular Officers Being a Reserve Officer does not mean the officer is serving in the Reserves. Previously, graduates of the service academies were commissioned as Regular Officers, while those commissioned under ROTC or Officer Candidate School (called Officer Training School in the Air Force) were commissioned as Reserve Officers, who then competed later in their careers to be appointed as Regular Officers. Being a Regular officer means a better chance of being promoted, protects against RIFs (reduction in force) and allows an officer to serve longer. By law, Regular Officers promoted to lieutenant colonel (O-5) may serve for 28 active commissioned years, while those promoted to colonel (O-6) may stay for 30 active commissioned years unless earlier retired by other provisions of law. By policy, Reserve Officers are limited to 20 years of military service this may be extended as needed to meet specific service requirements. Regular Officers may not be involuntarily released from active duty because of a reduction in the size of the officer force. Reserve Officers, however, serve at the discretion of the Secretary of the service and may be involuntarily released at any time if the personnel ceiling warrants. Because of Regular Officers greater tenure, they have some advantage over Reserve Officers. The military must obtain a return on training investment and, therefore, requires officers to serve a certain per iod of time after the training is completed. Promotions to O-7 and Above To be promoted to O-7, an officer must first complete a full tour in a Joint-Duty-Assignment- an assignment to a unit that comprises members from two or more of the services. This requirement can be waived, in some instances. The mandatory retirement age for all general officers is 62. The mandatory retirement can be deferred to age 64 in some cases. Under the law, an officer who has been promoted to O-7 but is not on the recommended list to O-8must retire five years after promotion to O-7, or after 30 years of active duty service, whichever is later. An O-8 must retire five years after being promoted to O-8, or after 35 years of service, whichever comes first. The Secretary of the service concerned (i.e., Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Air Force) or the President of the United States can defer the above mandatory retirements, up until the time that the officer reaches the ag e of 62.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Therapist Resume Options

Therapist Resume Options The NAMI HelpLine can offer information about how to come across various mental health professionals and resources in your region. Besides state licensure, you might seek out certification. To learn more on what it requires to be an Occupational Therapist, take a look at our complete Occupational Therapist Job Description. Occupational therapy is presently one of the allied careers in demand having the most growth. When constructing your resume its a good idea to examine some employment postings for ideas regarding the characteristics employers are trying to find a perspective practitioner. Usage of effectual titles ought to be considered. Certifications that are readily recognizable to professionals might have patients scratching their heads. Instead, think of all of the search phrases and key phrases you are able to include that are relevant to your experience and abilities, and sprinkle them liberally throughout. Additional credentialing makes it possible to stand out as a leader in your area, but notlage all initials are equal in the opinion of your future employers. This information is for applicants as soon as you have been successful at interview and have been offered a spot on your favorite course. The subsequent Occupational Therapist Resume Example and accompanying guide will help you acquire the job. Many headings can help you highlight your core competencies, skills, and relevant experience. Michaels wellness coaching will not be as expensive AND you will lost the weight you want to lose in addition to keep it off Whether you would like to be an Occupational Therapist a Marriage and Family Therapist a Spa Therapist or another therapist crafting an amazing CV is important to obtaining the job that you desire. By showing the strategy to someone you trust, they may have a look and see what may be missing or worth developing more. If you are looking to acquire job or possess curiosity about such questions, make an attempt to resolve the upcoming concerns. You merely require a small expert help. Be certain to do your due diligence going through each one of the top job search choices. ABA therapist careers might be stressful on occasion and generally take a lot of patience and compassion. The work market is competitive, therefore a well-written occupational therapy resume is vital to assist you stand from the crowd. In that instance, you can want to train to be a physical therapist. Mostly, a functional family therapist will provide services to their clients inside their homes, making certain that their dignity and confidentiality isnt compromised. The stressful environment is able to make an individual go crazy. Even as youre still in training, you should be searching for strategies to receive more experience and expertise. You may be taken aback at how much indirect experience you already have working for you, even when you havent yet gotten a break in your selected field. At exactly the same time, other life experiences may also apply. Getting the Best Therapist Resume Even though youll rely on a number of the very same skills occupational therapists use, you are going to spend the majority of your time helping patients to correct dysfunctional movements to alleviate their physical pain. Occupational therapy is just one of them. Occupational Therapists encourage their customers to become involved in everyday pleasant activities so as to overcome difficulties and distress. Generally, they must have at least a masters degree. The Fundamentals of Therapist Resume Revealed No one wants to know your organization. A good deal of people may choose their schablone only since they enjoy the results it may help them achieve. So, now you have an incredible template for your resume youre probably wondering what exactly to compose that can help you get hired The very first thing you ought to do when employing an online business plan template is to make sure the template is something that you wish to follow. Resume Builder shares that resumes are vitally important, for lots of explanations. Uploading to our resume database requires you to make an account. References are an issue of preference.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

New Questions About Help with Dissertations Answered and Why You Must Read Every Word of This Report

New Questions About Help with Dissertations Answered and Why You Must Read Every Word of This Report The Help with Dissertations Cover Up The most recent trends and statistics to help you locate the top accredited creative writing schools. Professional writers take pride in making the maximum quality content, regardless of what the subject matter may be. Trust experts to help you understand how to recognize the very best service to trust. Platinum Essay Help is known to be the company on earth best able to give a dissertation no matter the level being studied. The Most Popular Help with Dissertations Custom writing means a significant company with high standards. Youre welcome to stay in contact with yur private helper within the procedure. Whatever its that you require, well have the correct person to offer you a custom made service which satisfies every moment. What You Need to Do About Help with Dissertations Before You Miss Your Chance Fortunately our team is made up of professional writers which possess the capability to create remarkable content for you. There may also be business letters and perhaps even para-legal documents to be drawn up that only an expert writer should manage. Trusted writers that are passionate about their work write top-notch high quality dissertations. Youre going to be presented to the particular expert of the crew, and that well select him, dependent on your very own personal dissertation subject issue. If you require the expert services of professional writers, Exclusive-paper. A documentary film about the matter. The Hidden Gem of Help with Dissertations If you need assistance with writing your dissertation you should receive it from somebody who already possesses an academic level. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Update Your Vacation Policy Why Workers Love Vacation and You Should Too

Update Your Vacation Policy Why Workers Love Vacation and You Should TooThe talent at your company loves vacation. Who can blame them? Most workers would rather be sitting on a beach sipping a drink than staring at a computer screen. Even companies are starting to come around to the importance of a little RR. A great vacation policy can surely nab your top talent looking for a fun company culture. While most candidates wont ask about your vacation policy in their initial video interview, that doesnt mean its not on their mind.In fact, a recent survey showed that nearly half of American workers would swap a workplace benefit for mora vacation time. Who needs a private schreibstube when you can go out and see the world? More companies, from established corporations to fledgling startups, are realizing the mental benefits of increased vacation time. In fact, many companies are doing away with vacation restrictions altogether. Companies like app developer Evernote and video rental giant Netflix have implemented unlimited vacation policies.Here are some reasons you might also want to think about revamping your companys vacation time policyHelps You RecruitA good vacation policy doesnt just keep employees happy, it also attracts employees to your company. The top talent you want to see on the screen across from you in a live video interview will undoubtedly have a lot of companies trying to woo them. A generous vacation package will be a way to set your company apart from the pack and brand it as a great place to work. This vacation policy will attract the top talent your organization needs to grow and prosper.Prevents Employee BurnoutEven the best employees get burned-out. Worse, once burnouts start these former schreibstube superstars can become serious energy drains. Youll be losing productivity and your burned-out employee will be bringing down employee morale. Sometimes all great employees need is a little time away from the office to recharge. Employees will co me back as happier and more productive workers.Shows TrustGenerous vacation packages show employees the company trusts their discretion. For example, an unlimited vacation policy puts an incredible amount of trust in workers. It shows the company has faith in employees to be responsible and use their time wisely. Employees who abuse this policy will be obvious to spot, allowing your company to get rid of a bad hire. For the most part, however, companies adopting these vacation policies are seeing their faith in workers judgments rewarded.Less TurnoverEmployee turnover can really cost your company big time. In fact, it can often cost a company up to 150 percent of the employees annual salary Thats a lot of money your company cant afford to bleed, especially in this economy. Like previously mentioned, burned-out employees will be less productive for your company. They will also be more likely to go from passive to active job candidates. This means if your employee doesnt have the oppo rtunity to unwind occasionally, theyll be more receptive to job offers from your competitors. Having an attractive vacation package will be a benefit employees want to stick around to enjoy.More employers are realizing generous vacation policies are not only attracting great candidates, theyre also keeping them in your company. So why not let your top talent travel to far off places? Especially if they return to your organization to do great workDo great vacation benefits attract great candidates? Share your thoughts in the commentsSOURCEHarris Survey (Denver Business Journal) BloombergBusinessWeek MSNBC Today The Advisor (William G. Bliss)IMAGE Courtesy of Flickr by Kenzoka

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tips About Salary Negotiation for the Employer

Tips About Salary Negotiation for the EmployerTips About Salary Negotiation for the EmployerA salary negotiationwindow exists from the timeyou offer a job to a candidateuntil the acceptance of the job by your selected candidate. The results of this salary negotiation can leave a candidate feeling wanted by your organization or devalued. The results of this salary negotiation can leave the employer excited to welcome the candidate or feeling as if he lost. A positive employer and a positive employee are the results of a successful salary negotiation. Here are tips for conducting a successful salary negotiation. Tips About Salary Negotiation for the Employer How much leeway do you have for salary negotiation and other conditions of employment with your candidates? The answer ranges from not much to a lot. One key factor is the discussion of salary,benefits, and working conditionsthat occurred with your prospective employees during the interview process. Your candidates have likely shared their current or most recent salarywith you (although it is becoming increasingly illegal for employers in many jurisdictions to ask for this information from their job candidates.). You may have shared thesalary rangefor the position with your prospective employees. Theposted job listingsmay also have given prospects an idea about the salary range. In fact, employers are advised to provide this salary informationin their job listings whenever possible so that you are not inundated with under orover-qualified candidateswho are willing to settle for any job. You will attract the candidates who might work out for you. Another key factor in salary negotiations is the level of the position you likely have more bargaining room with higher level employees and with employees who are the sole employee performing a particular job in your company. They are also prone to asking foradditional perks and benefitsif they cant get you to offer more money. The third factor in salary negotiati on is how badly your organization needs this employee and how much difficulty you have in finding his or her skill set. Market pay ranges also play a factor in your salary negotiation decisions. Salary Negotiation From the Employers Point of View Consequently, the employers salary negotiation leeway depends on these market factors. behauptung factors include the level of the job within your organization,scarcity of the skills and experience needed for the job in the job market,career progress and experience of the individual selected,fair market value for the job you are fillingsalary range for the job within your organizationsalary range for the job within your geographic area,existing economic conditions within your job market, andexisting economic conditions within your industry. You may also have company-specific factors that might affect the given salary such as comparative jobs, yourculture, your pay philosophy, and yourpromotionpractices. Bottom line? How badly do you wan t and need this candidate? If you are too needy, your salary negotiation strategy will quickly turn into a capitulation. And, capitulation, paying more than you can afford, paying disproportionately to the pay ranges of your current employees, and paying a new employee salary and benefits outside of your comfort zone, is bad for the employer and bad for the candidate. The new employees work is scrutinized under a microscope employer expectations may be way too high. Fellow employees may resent the negotiated salary and think of the new employee as a prima donna. In a win-win salary negotiation, both employer and employee leave the salary negotiation feeling ready to get started on a long-term, successful relationship. If youve ever been involved in an intense salary negotiation, you know that it can consume your mental and physical energy way beyond its importance. This is because, by the time you reach the stage of making an offer, you have spent the time to develop apool of candid ates. You have interviewed various candidates for weeks. Intense Salary Negotiation Your organization has invested significant time and energy in wooing and getting to know your final choice candidate. mora sophisticated candidates, higher level candidates, and candidates with significant career progress will counter your anfangsbuchstabeoffer letter, so expect it. Even your lower level, newest candidates will ask for $1,000-5,000 more than you offered as a normal occurrence. Additionally, the expectations and needs of candidates can sometimes blind-side the employer. If multiple people have conducted interviews- which is recommended- you have little control over the expectations expressed and what the candidate comes to believe about the position as a result of the interviews. You also have no control over the content of offers from other firms that can occur simultaneously. Salary Negotiation Tips While they are not meant to comprehensively detail how to conduct a salary n egotiation, these hints and tips are offered to ensure that you conduct successful salary negotiations. Salary negotiation is not about winning- unless both parties win. If either party feels they have capitulated, not negotiated, both parties lose.Make every effort to identify the most recent salary and benefits your candidate received. Most organizations ask for salary on theirjob applications and in their job postings and ads. Some candidates offer W-2 forms and other proof of salary when employers request proof of compensation. (This is not recommended, by the way. Its more intrusive than employers should be about their candidates backgrounds.)You can also ask former employers during reference checking. You may not be able to match the salary but you will have a good idea of what the candidate will seek during salary negotiations.While these tips are not meant to comprehensively detail how to conduct a salary negotiation, these hints and tips will ensure that you conduct success ful salary negotiations. Know what your salary negotiation limits are. Base your limits on your internal salary ranges, the salary paid employees in similar positions, the economic climate and job searching market, and the profitability of your company.Recognize that, if your salary is not negotiable, and even if it is, superior candidates will negotiate with you in other areas that may be negotiable.These include benefits, eligibility for benefits or paid COBRA, tuition assistance, paid time off, asigning bonus, stock options, variablebonus pay,sale commissions, car allowance, flexible schedules, teleworking, paid smartphone, severance packages, and relocation expenses. In fact, sophisticated candidates will negotiate in all of these areas and more. Even if you are convinced of the candidates potential positive impact within your organization, and a negotiating candidate is likely to keep reminding you, most organizations have limits. You will regret violating your limits even if y ou have to start your recruitment over, you will save yourself years of headaches and prohibitive costs.In one company, a candidate tried to negotiate a severance package that provided six months of hiskusine salary plus an additional one month for each year he worked for the company. Plus, he wanted all of this money in a lump sum upon dismissal.At $5769.00 per pay, the organization would have had to come up with approximately $116,000.00 upon his dismissal after only three years of employment. Not too many small and medium-sized companies can afford a compensation package in this price range or come up with a lump sum such as this. The candidate backed down his demand. If your initial offer is not negotiable, or barely negotiable, try to indicate that to the candidate when you make the job offer. One organization made an acceptable offer to a special candidate whom the organization had been trying to hire for several years into an appropriate role. (They waited to make an offer un til the right position opened up as the candidate had turned down the salary offered for a lesser role in an earlier job search.)They said, We are offering you $60,000 in base salary plus the potential to earn up to $20,000 in bonuses during your first year. Others who have been with this organization for up to nine years are within a couple thousand dollars of that base. So, you can see how much we value you with this offer.Additionally, as you build your accounts, some of our business developers are making well over $100,000.00. The organization was trying to tell her that the base was firm and that the upside potential in bonus was high. She accepted. There is a lot at stake when you negotiate salary with your chosen potential employee. Use all of these salary negotiation tips to ensure that you dont blow the opportunity to hire an excellent, qualified, superior employee.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Advice to a Friend on Starting Her Business

Advice to a Friend on Starting Her Business Advice to a Friend on Starting Her Business I was emailing back and forth with a friend the otherbei night who is starting up a small business. She was struggling with writing copy for her website and wanted to know what I thought. Seeing her agonize over the process reminded me of something a very wise ex-colleague said to me when I was getting to ready to launch my business. I had gone to him for an opinion on our business plan.He saidThere are two things you need to know1) Everything will take longer and cost mora than you originally think.2) You will never get it right the first time, so you might as well just get started and change it as you go along.His advice was spot on. Everything did take longer and cost more, and the things I agonized over 6 years ago have all changed now anyway. We found better ideas, we changed our business model, we learned that our clients were not who we thought they would be everything changed And all the learning weve done for the past 6 years is going into the new website well launch in January (which we have agonized over and which has cost more and taken longer than we originally thought)I told my friend this and I hope it helped. And that got me thinking why not ask you guys. So thats what Im doing. What advice you would give her on this new adventure?

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What to Do After Getting Fired from Your Creative Job

What to Do After Getting Fired from Your Creative Job What to Do After Getting Fired from Your Creative Job Getting fired is one of the toughest career challenges to handle, regardless of whether you saw it coming or the news hit you out of nowhere. Even if the writing was on the wall, exiting a job when it’s not on your own terms is super-stressful. As any creative professional who’s been through it knows, navigating the impact of losing your job, while simultaneously striving to find a new one, can be really difficult on multiple levels. If you find yourself in this situation, first take a deep breath. While it can be hard to maintain perspective in the moment, especially when your emotions are running high, you can rebound and you will be OK. Here are 10 tips to help you deal with the loss and get back on track. 1. Think before you act Were you just informed that you’re being let go? Take time to process the bad news and work through your emotions. Until you’ve given yourself ample time to do that, don’t say or do anything you might regret later. (Examples might include immediately firing off an angry note to your now-former boss or another employee at the company.) Venting might feel cathartic in the moment, but burning bridges with your manager or anyone else just isn’t worth it in the long run. 2. Review your paperwork If you’re offered a severance package take your time to review it instead of signing it immediately. If in doubt, seek independent professional advice. And don’t be afraid to clarify any questions you may have about your severance or benefits. SEARCH OUR OPEN JOBS 3. Agree on the departure language You may want to negotiate how your exit will be documented as this can impact your job search. After all, the creative industry is a surprisingly small world; you simply never know who knows whom. Even after getting fired, it’s likely your employer won’t be motivated to obstruct you from working elsewhere. Ask your employer how they plan to handle your departure language, internally and externally. If you feel the need to try to negotiate this, the best time to do so is before you sign a separation or severance agreement. In this instance, work closely with the human resources department to land on a mutually agreeable reason to explain why you are leaving. It may be easier than you think. Most employers will not give out the reason for an employee’s departure. If asked, the company will usually just provide confirmation you worked there, your title, the dates of hire and departure, and, if requested by you, your final salary. Employers generally prefer not to provide too many details. Again, if you have any questions at all, take the time to address this with human resources on the front-end. Read how one creative professional turned a layoff into a career-building opportunity. 4. Don’t isolate yourself Getting fired can set off a rollercoaster of emotions that are likely to spike and dip at any given time. Be patient with yourself and don’t avoid people. Try to connect with a friend or a colleague who’s been through a similar experience and talk it through. Remember that you aren’t the first person to be fired, and you certainly won’t be the last. Don’t feel like you have to handle everything on your own just because your last role ended abruptly. Reach out to those in your professional network if you need support, new connections or ideas in the same way you would as if you were making your next career move on your own terms. 5. Create an action plan Even if you feel like curling into a ball in the corner, get to work. Start updating your resume and online portfolio. Just getting the ball rolling after being fired will help you build momentum for your job search. Don’t be afraid to show on LinkedIn that you are seeking a new role; it could open doors as many recruiters are actively searching for job candidates for open creative jobs. 6. Connect with a creative industry recruiter Schedule time to connect with a staffing expert who specializes in the creative industry as soon as you can. Well-connected recruiters often know of unadvertised or upcoming job opportunities. They can also help you find temporary work while you search for a full-time role. 7. Invest in yourself Without question, getting fired is stressful. Don’t make things worse by neglecting your well-being. Make sure you are eating right and getting adequate sleep and exercise. This will help provide a solid foundation to keep you going as you embark on your job search. You also might pursue some professional development opportunities to keep your mind and skills sharp. 8. Practice your narrative When you start applying for a new job, you will likely be asked to provide a reason for leaving your previous employer. When piecing together your narrative, review the departure language your employer has used, to make sure that you are consistent, but be prepared to supply more context. The best approach is to offer an honest, but neutral response, versus something detailed. Example statements that might work include: “The introduction of a new management team led to my position being terminated.” “The restructuring of the creative department resulted in my responsibilities being reassigned.” “The financial performance of the agency impacted my role and I was let go.” After you’ve explained why you are no longer in the role, work on crafting a couple of sentences that explain your career path, focusing on effectively communicating your expertise and key achievements. Practice saying these statements out loud so you become comfortable explaining your most recent position and why you are looking for a new role. This will make it much easier for you to convey what you do best in a job interview. 9. Be prepared for anything Remember that if you were fired due to a major misstep your prospective employer may learn about it through mutual networks, even if your employer has worked with you to provide suitable departure language. Be prepared to address this succinctly and positively. Briefly explain why you’re no longer in your previous role and the positives you’ve drawn from your experience, emphasizing your career achievements and the skills and expertise you can apply to the role you are applying for. Remember that when it comes down to it, employers will always appreciate honesty. Plus, you wouldn’t have been called to interview in the first place if you weren’t a strong candidate. 10. Commit to making a fresh start Keep looking forward. Yes, getting fired hurts. It’s obviously not the way you want to close out your time with an employer. But try to keep the resentment and ruminating in check. Instead of reflecting too much on what’s now in the past, commit to making a fresh start and channeling your energy into moving on. Fair or not, even extremely smart and talented creative professionals find themselves suddenly out of a job. You’re not alone. How you respond to getting fired, and what you decide to do next is key to your future success. The most important assets you possess are your skills, talents, creativity - and your mindset. Believe in your ability to overcome this setback. Don’t let getting fired define you or keep you from applying for your dream job. If you can push yourself to move on from a painful experience it may end up being one of the best things that ever happened to your career. Octavia Goredema is the founder and editor of Twenty Ten Talent, a career resource for talented young black women. Find her on Twitter at @OctaviaGoredema.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

What to Do When Your Boss Has a Difficult Ask - The Muse

What to Do When Your Boss Has a Difficult Ask - The Muse What to Do When Your Boss Has a Difficult Ask You’re not going to be thrilled with every assignment you’re given, with every task you’re asked to carry out, with every project you’re instructed to oversee. That’s the reality of having a job. It’s a lot like life- you take the good with the bad and the annoying or boring. But, navigating tedious responsibilities or work that doesn’t stoke your fire is a far cry from handling a request from your boss that requires you to basically throw a colleague under the bus. If your manager approaches you about taking one for the team, framing it as an item that’s simply part of your job and something that has to be done, you’re probably not going to feel good about it. If you have any kind of moral compass and a reluctance to injure a team member’s reputation or inaccurately blame a co-worker for a project gone wrong, then you’ll likely want to find a way to say no to your supervisor without risking your position at the company. Seven Muse Career Coaches weighed in with excellent advice for handling this tricky situation. Just because the request isn’t illegal or even really unethical doesn’t mean you have no choice but to heed the demand. There’s a big picture here, and if you ignore it just to appease your manager, you could come to regret it later. 1. Repeat the Request Share with your boss what you think the task is so that you are 100% clear about her request. Saying it aloud before acting on it may also help your manager see why and how she’s put you in an uncomfortable position. If, after repeating it, you’re still expected to carry out the request and you’re feeling apprehensive, speak up. Clearly, tell your boss- face-to-face is best- why you’re not cool with it. Avery Blank 2. Investigate with Questions If you find yourself in this awkward situation, one of the most powerful strategies you can deploy is asking probing questions. Skilled conflict mediators know that digging for information about the other person’s agenda, interests, and needs increases the chance of arriving at a favorable solution. Put on your negotiator hat and say to your boss with confidence, ‘I’m not sure I grasp the reasoning behind sharing those details with the entire company. Can you help me understand the approach?’ This expresses interest and curiosity on your part, while also subtly communicating an assertion of boundaries, maturity, and professionalism. You’re demonstrating that you make informed, measured decisions. Using psychologically-disarming questioning ensures neither side becomes defensive and helps you set the stage for a fruitful back-and-forth dialogue with your boss. Melody Wilding 3. Consider the Big Picture Any request from a manager needs to be considered relative to the long-term impact on the company and your standards for personal integrity. If you feel a request would violate either of these, you have an obligation to express your concerns before agreeing to take any action. If you’re pressed to follow through with the request, simply say no and explain your reasoning. Just be prepared to stick to your guns and suffer the consequences. A healthy organization will look at the full context of a situation before taking action. And if it doesn’t or if you’re singled out by a manager, you probably don’t want to work there anyway. Keep good notes and be ready to explain to new employers what happened and why you left. Bruce Eckfeldt 4. Enlighten Your Boss I once had a similar instance with a director at the company (who was not my boss, but still senior to me). We were scoping out a client project, and there was a lot of internal disagreement over a specific component of the project. We were asked to have a back-up solution in place for a highly unlikely scenario. Although it was highly improbable that we’d need this alternate fix, we had to devise it based on the client's marketing plan. Unsure whether we were capable of creating that back-up solution in the timeframe given, I was, nonetheless, instructed by the director to tell the client that the deadline wasn’t a problem. I felt very uncomfortable misleading the client this, and so I decided to be straight up with my supervisor on the project, ‘If I gave the phone to you, would you be able to tell them the same thing in good conscience?’He admitted that no, he wouldn’t be able to do that, and I think at that moment he saw the error in what he was asking me to do. We, ult imately, ended up figuring out a way to build the solution the client was looking for, and we didn't lie to them. Sometimes, it’s going to be up to you to show your boss the problematic nature of his request. Rajiv Nathan 5. Offer an Alternate Solution Be honest in a diplomatic and tactful way. Let your boss know that you’re uncomfortable with the request, but don’t just leave it at that. If you’re going to take issue with something, it’s always best if you can offer a solution. Brainstorm a better, more professional way of handling his request and suggest an alternate approach. If your idea is rejected, continue to stand your ground and explain that you’re hopeful that you can find a way to work together to develop another way of dealing with the issue. Heidi Ravis 6. Be a Team Player Bosses come and go, but your sense of justice and conscience are with you for life. Of course, you still need a paycheck, and, thus, a way to handle moral ambiguity in the office.Navigate a distasteful request from your boss by bringing up the team. Assuming your organization values teamwork, say, ‘We talk a lot in this company about team work- about winning losing as a team. As such, neither I nor the rest of the team feel it’s fair for me or any other single person to shoulder the responsibility for the failure of this project. It also sends the wrong message to the other team members. We’ll recover and rebuild. But let's not just talk about being a team, let’s be one in spite of this obstacle.’By sending the message that it’s not just you who feels this way but the entire team, you’re showing respect for your colleagues and refusing to throw anyone under the bus. It’s unlikely that your boss will fire or censure the entire team. Yuri Kruman 7. Articulate Your Concerns There is no doubt that this scenario presents a tricky situation of power. When a supervisor asks you to do something you don't want to do, it's always challenging to walk the line of honoring your values and being professional. However, in an instance in which the request is so clearly antithetical to common tenets of strong team culture and positive leadership, it’s especially important to hold your ground. Explain what makes you uncomfortable about the approach; lean on the company culture (if possible) of promoting collaboration and team efficacy. You can also note that it’s more important to figure out a strong way forward as opposed to placing blame on the past breakdown or failure. Your boss is more likely to be impressed by your pushback and dedication to your team than frustrated by your unwillingness to abide by the request. At the end of the day, you want to feel comfortable that you can live with your actions, even if you don't love your leader’s. Lauren Laitin Photo courtesy of Yuri_Arcurs/Getty Images

Monday, November 18, 2019

5 reasons success will not make you a happy person

5 reasons success will not make you a happy person 5 reasons success will not make you a happy person As a kid growing up on a remote cattle ranch in Wyoming, it didn’t take much to make me a happy person. I loved to spend time with our animals - horses, cattle, and dogs! I was happy to do my chores and bond with my pets.In high school, it took something different to make me a happy person. Happiness now depended on the number of people I could count as friends. Lots of friends meant I was looked upon as a success and had become popular.Out of college, my definition of success changed again. Success was determined by the size of my paycheck and my status in the organization. Friends took on a new role and were now measured in terms of how much value they added to my network.In my pursuit of a successful career, happiness got watered down to the itemization of things. It was now something external to be bought - like a car. Or, given - like a promotion.As entrepreneurs and business owners, your success is calibrated as return on investment by your investors and clients. Your path etic feelings of happiness are none of their concern.Which is fine, for a while. But if your life fundamentally sucks, it’s going to continue to suck no matter how successful you are.Here are 5 reasons success will not make you a happy person - and how you can change your mindset:1. It takes more than money to motivate you to do good workBusinesses commonly use money as a motivator, and it works - to some extent. Studies show that once an individual receives the money, however, it loses its power to motivate.While money is important, we all want and need more than a good salary. In his book, Payoff, behavioral economist Dan Ariely argues that human motivation is very complex. He states that to motivate ourselves and others successfully, we need to provide a sense of connection and meaning. It’s important to remember, however, that meaning is not always synonymous with personal happiness.Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose -  Viktor E. FranklHow To Make It Work For You: These are some of the things that you, as a leader, can do to harness the power of intrinsic motivation in your people. An intrinsic motive is the desire to do a good job for the sake of doing a good job: Recognize people as contributing members of a winning team. Remind them that the project is succeeding. Pinpoint where their contributions are making a difference. Celebrate successes. Thank people. Often. 2. If you lose sight of your values, your life will suckI recruited foreign spies to work for the U.S. Government. To be successful, I exploited their lack of self-awareness. The most vulnerable person was the one too lazy to go deep and prioritize their values. They lived in a shallow world and preferred to blame others rather than acknowledge how their poor values made their life suck.Our values are defined by what we are willing to struggle to accomplish. If something holds value for us, we will endure the pain and struggle to make it happen.Your values define your struggles. If you want better problems, get better values - LaRae Quy.Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get â€"  Dale CarnegieHow To Make It Work For You: Identify the values you prioritize above everything else; those values are the ones that influence your decision-making process. Pinpoint the good values that tap into your inner core. They are the ones that will engage you with the worl d as it is, not how you wish it would be in the future. Bad values rely on external circumstances. You blame others if things don’t turn out the way you planned.3. Success is where people stop on their way to happinessMost of us fail over and over at something until we finally get it right. But what we forget is that those failures are the most important lessons in life. Most of us do not embrace our future failures, so we stop at where we find success because we’ve been conditioned to avoid suffering, pain, and discomfort.We stop at success, regardless of whether that success has led us to something that provides value and meaning for us. We have it backward: instead of looking for success to make us happy, we will be successful where we find our happiness.When you look for happiness, you need to change how you measure success and failure. Some of the best things that happen to us require effort, pain, and failure. Ask any parent, small business owner, or marathon runner.One da y, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful - Sigmund FreudHow To Make It Work For You: Be smart about how you work harder and longer hours to be successful. Discover what brings you happiness and focus your energy on those pursuits. Then the longer hours and hard work won’t matter because you’ll love what you do.4. The easy path does not create strong peopleAll of this “be happy” sh-t is creating a generation who don’t understand how to overcome problems. They think an easy path is the yellow brick road to happiness.But it is in our choices that we either decide to grow, or not, because it is in those choices that we learn to focus. When we do, we become mentally tough so that we can manage our emotions, thoughts, and behavior in ways that will set us up for happiness. We get to choose what matters to us based on our values.How To Make It Work For You: Embrace what you have learned in hard times. Some people are stuck with worse problems than others and many people have overcome horrible circumstances. This was their mindset: no matter where I am in life, or my struggle, I still have the power to take responsibility and chose my next step.5. Making progress is better than being successfulMost of us have worked hard to achieve a goal, only to find emptiness when we reach it. Psychologists explain this is because true happiness is less about when we reach a goal and more about how we reached it. What is most important is the progress we have made in an area of our life.If we focus on success instead of progress, we become nothing more than a manager of our circumstances. If, however, we focus on making progress in all areas of our life, we empower ourselves to become the person we truly want to be - a person who is fulfilled and happy.Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure - Tony RobbinsHow To Make It Work For You: Never forget that if you’re not happy with the direction your life has taken so far, y ou have complete control over who you can become. Identify an opportunity that you know is worthwhile but that you’ve been afraid to pursue, and go for it anyway. Brainstorm a list of 20 new ideas on ways to improve your life. Describe something that you will make you very happy. Be specific. Write down your definition of success. Make a list of causes you are passionate about and then get involved. Identify something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t done yet. This  article  first appeared on

Sunday, November 17, 2019

8 books that teach you to be rich

8 books that teach you to be rich 8 books that teach you to be rich What’s your money strategy? Do you even have one?If not, it’s not uncommon. Until two years ago, I didn’t have a financial plan, whatsoever.Even though I’ve been reading about money, finance, and investing ever since I made my first few bucks as a teenager, I never created a financial plan.But now, I think every single working professional needs a financial strategy. How do you spend your money? How much do you save? What are your thoughts about debt? How do you invest your money? How much money do you need to retire?These are questions that every person who makes money must answer.Let’s face it. If you want to retire comfortable (I’m not even talking about living a luxurious lifestyle), you need to get rich.Ladders is now on SmartNews!Download the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.And the 8 books that I recommend in this article will help you to do that. Read them and you’ll never have to worry about per sonal finance again.1. The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. ClasonThis book was published in 1926 and as far as I can tell, it was the first popular book on personal finance.Usually, I’m not into parables. But this is a great book. It’s the only parable that I’ve read that makes the message of the book even more powerful.What it comes down to is this: Rich people are rich because they save their money, don’t get in debt, and don’t spend their money foolishly.Clason recommends to save 10% of your income (I believe you should save 50% - more on that later). He calls saving “paying yourself first.” That’s an important mindset.You only get rich by paying yourself. Don’t foolishly spend all your money on things you don’t need. When you do that, you pay others, not yourself.Everyone should read The Richest Man In Babylon - the earlier the better.2. Your Money Or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe DominguezWhat I enjoyed most about this book is that it teaches you to transform your relationship with money. This will change your life.Money is something you trade your life energy for. Think about it. You work to earn money.But you spend your time to work. That’s why Robin and Dominguez spend the first part of this book to make us aware that more is not better.More money is especially not better if you have to put your own well-being on the line. It’s never worth it. Just ask the family of the bankers who committed suicide during any recession.If you want to live a healthy and wealthy life, you must detach yourself from money. Instead of striving for more, get better at managing your money.Save it. And don’t waste it on stuff you don’t need. Your Money Or Your Life starts out strategically and gets more practical towards the end.One thing I don’t agree with is retiring early. I don’t want to retire and sit on a beach. That’s because my mentors, who are beyond the retirement age, still work and are very happy. I aspire to do the same. But I also want to build enough wealth that I don’t “have” to work if I don’t want to. That’s one thing Robin and Dominguez also believe in.3. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham (with commentary by Jason Zweig)I bought my first stocks when I was 20 years old. At the time, the finance sector was doing great, and I thought it would be good to invest in ING, the major Dutch bank.Oh yeah, I should mention that this was in 2007, right before the financial crisis. I invested €1500 in ING and €500 in AEGON, a Dutch asset management firm.It was about half of my savings at the time - a lot of money for a student. And a few months later, when Lehman Brothers collapsed, my stock portfolio was worth only a few hundred euros in total.Man, I was so pissed off. I can’t even tell you how livid I was. But looking back, I understand that losing money is a part of investing.And fortunately, I didn’t sell and waited until the stocks recovered. That took eight years, though.I decided to not invest in individual stocks anymore. And The Intelligent Investor is one of the most important books that helped to realize investing in stocks is not for me.If you already know that you don’t want to invest in individual stocks, you don’t have to read this book. However, if you are interested in finance, I highly recommend it. The commentary by Jason Zweig, a WSJ columnist, is also excellent.P.S. I skipped the chapters about stock analysis because I’m not going to use it.4. The Little Book of Common Sense Investing by Jack BogleThe reason I stopped investing in individual stocks is Jack Bogle. This man is a true hero.He founded Vanguard and created index funds. Unlike everyone else in finance, he’s not worth billions. Why? He created financial products for the people.Vanguard is a unique company. Why? It’s the only company in finance that has the same interest as you. When you invest in their funds, they win, and you win.But every firm, banker, broker, or advisor in finance, has different interests. Namely, their own. And sure, this is a black and white view. There are many unbiased financial advisors too.But why should you give them your money if you can invest your money by yourself? Instead of buying individual stocks, Jack Bogle demonstrated that it’s much better to buy all the stocks in a certain index, industry, group, or even country.History has shown us that indexing outperforms the majority of mutual funds. Plus, the fees of index funds are lower because they don’t have managers or expensive offices.5. A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton G. MalkielMalkiel is an economics professor at Princeton. Usually, economics professors are the last people you should take financial advice from because they are disconnected from the real world (read Skin In The Game by Nassim Nicholas Taleb for more thoughts on that idea).But Malkiel is different. A Random Walk Down Wall Street digs deep in various investment strategies but remai ns practical at all times.One of my friends who’s a successful investor recommended this book to me. And after doing some research online, I found that it’s one the most recommended books on investing by investors.Again, this book advocates indexing over active trading. But because Malkiel is an economist, he does a much better job of explaining how markets work.It’s actually very comforting. Markets are truly efficient. For every action, there’s a reaction. If that weren’t the case, the Western World would have collapsed when Lehman did.6. The Simple Path to Wealth by JL CollinsIf you want to read only one book on this list - pick this one. The proposed plan in this book comes close to my personal financial strategy.Collins is a practical man. And The Simple Path to Wealth is the most practical book I’ve read on personal finance.He recommends saving 50% of your income. And that’s what I believe in too. The more you save early in your career, the better.His strategy i s super simple. If you’re still building wealth and are working, Collins says you should do two things: Save enough so you have “F-You money.” Have enough money in the bank that gives you the freedom to do anything you want for a longer period (it’s up to you to decide how much you need, depending on your monthly expenses). Put 100% of the money you want to invest (this is money you save on top of your F-You money) in the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund (VTSAX). Risky? Yes. Most upside? Hell yes.If you plan on retiring within 10 years, put 80% in the VTSAX, 15% in the VBTLX (bonds index), and 5% in cash. That’s what Collins recommends. Of course, it’s his opinion. And he’s not a fortune teller.The point of all these books is to educate yourself enough so that you can make the best decision for your own personal situation.7. The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim FerrissUntil now, I shared books that tell you WHAT to do with your money. But HOW do you even make money? If you have only one income stream, it’s time to change that.It’s one thing that no book on personal finance addresses. My personal view is that valuable skills result in more income.In general, the better you are at your job, the better your compensation is. It’s also true for entrepreneurship. That’s why I’m an advocate of investing in yourself.Tim Ferriss started a revolution of making passive income online. With the tools and ideas in The 4-Hour Work Week, you can learn how to create your own passive income streams.Because it’s great to invest your money. It’s also great to invest in skills that can make you money.8. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale CarnegieAfter the first time I lost money on the stock market, it took me eight years to make another investment. Why?Fear.One of the most important lessons I’ve learned from reading about investing and talking to investors is that it’s scary. No matter how much you know about investing, the fear will never go away.So if you want to be a good investor, learn how to deal with the fear. And this book by Carnegie is one of the best books to help you do exactly that.Because at some point, you have to decide how you’re going to invest your money. And, if you don’t have a clear strategy, it’s maybe even better to not invest at all. Because that’s also a decision.Remember that there is no perfect time to invest.So after you educate yourself and know enough(you don’t need to know everything), it’s time to act in your own best interest.This  article  originally appeared on

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Credit Analyst CV Example Best Design Tips

Credit Analyst CV Example â€" Best Design Tips Credit Analyst CV Example - Best Design Tips Create this Resume ObjectiveTo be able to share my knowledge and experience in preparing comprehensive credit reports and provide assistance in facilitating credit loans.Personal InformationMichael Wolfe3902 Hill Haven DriveWaco, TX 76701(222)-205-6488m.wolfe@sampleresume.netDate of Birth: May 6, 1979Place of Birth: TXCitizenship: AmericanGender: MaleProfile Summary Excellent Oracle and SQL skills Strong verbal and written communication skill towards the clients Ability to work well both independently and with others EducationMBA, Major in Credit Management, 2006Wichita State University, Wichita, KSB.S. in Banking Finance, 2002Wichita State University, Wichita, KSEmployment HistorySr. Credit Analyst, 2007 PresentFifth Third Bank, Cincinnati, OHResponsibilities: Maintained a list of delinquent accounts in the database. Utilized spreadsheets applications in reviewing active accounts. Strengthened the existing bank loan policies. Ensured that banking and financial procedures conf ormed to the established banking guidelines. Teamed with the IT Architect in conceptualizing efficient balancing software.Jr. Credit Analyst, 2006 2007Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation, Jersey City, NJ Developed efficient procedures in reviewing, analyzing and evaluating credit risks. Assessed the risk rating, problem loan reporting and other credit administration requirements. Reviewed the summarized reports of junior accountants on re-structured loans. Developed the financial and credit worthiness of commercial accounts Provided solutions to complex problems encountered by the customers. ResearchN/ATrainingTraining in Account ReconciliationAwardTop Performer of the Year, 2005Professional MembershipThe Banking Industry AssociationSkills Excellent in MS word, Excel, PowerPoint Solid background in banking policies and procedures Demonstrated expertise in credit provisions and packages Knowledgeable in loan restructuring Customize ResumeMore CV Samples:Computer Engineer C V Credit Analyst CV

Friday, November 15, 2019

Why a double-major might beat you out of a job

Why a double-major might beat you out of a job Why a double-major might beat you out of a job Two college majors are better than one. That is the conclusion that researchers are beginning to reach. Prior research has already shown that students who double-major can earn more than peers who majored in only one field.New research we conducted recently shows that double majors fare better in another way as well: They are more innovative.We are education researchers with an interest in how the college experience develops students. What we found in our newly-published study is that students who double majored scored 17.4 percentile points higher on our overall innovation measure than the average student. The innovation advantage for double majors is almost three times higher than any other major, including business, engineering and math/statistics.This finding held even after we controlled for a number of variables, including a family history of entrepreneurship, courses taken in college, race, gender and GPA. We even controlled for personality traits, such as being an extrovert a nd being open to new experiences. We also considered the institution students attended, the quality of teaching to which they were exposed and the nature of their interactions with faculty members.So what does it mean to be more innovative and why does it matter?What makes a person innovativeFor our study, we sought to measure students’ innovation capacities. We did so using a relatively new survey instrument that enabled us to determine how institutions can help students develop their innovation capacities. These capacities include skills related to networking, persuasive communication, working on diverse teams, and risk taking.These innovative qualities matter in the job market. That’s because employers want more from college graduates than good grades. What employers really want â€" according to a recent survey â€" are graduates who can effectively work in diverse teams, are creative thinkers and have persuasive communication skills. In short, employers want innovators.Since innovators are in demand, it begs the question: Are graduates who double-majored more innovative because they double-majored? Or did they double-major because they were already more innovative?Self-selection could be at play. To be sure, one aspect of the connection between innovation and double-majoring is related to the fact that certain students want more than any one discipline or major can provide. They want to choose, or perhaps not choose.A desire for morePerhaps double majors are the kind of students who need more than many programs offer. It could be a signal of proactive and creative choice for students who don’t fit the mold in terms of how higher education is currently delivered.Double-majoring might also provide students with experiences in which students see connections between content in different courses. Additionally, taking classes required for two majors might increase networking with peers across disciplines.Does this mean that all students should double-major and employers should only hire these graduates? Probably not.While certainly our data demonstrate that double-majors are the most innovative, we do not conclude that this academic pathway is always the best choice for students or industries. What we do suggest, however, is that colleges and universities help students find ways to integrate material across disciplines, interact with each other across majors, and work on teams to solve real-world problems. This could be done through existing courses or perhaps new centers and spaces dedicated to innovation on college campuses.That way, even if students don’t double-major, they might still become more innovative â€" and more attractive to employers.Matthew J. Mayhew, William Ray and Marie Adamson Flesher Professor of Educational Administration, The Ohio State University and Benjamin S. Selznick, Assistant Professor, James Madison University.  This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

5 Red Flags to Watch Out For When Applying to a Company

5 Red Flags to Watch Out For When Applying to a Company 5 Red Flags to Watch Out For When Applying to a Company Think about it: have you ever landed a coveted job only to feel miserable mere weeks later, lamenting at your cubicle that if only you had listened to your gut- to have seen your boss’ disheveled desk for the warning sign it was- you could have saved yourself a lot of trouble. In other words, you ignored a red flag. “A work-related red flag is basically a warning sign, either overt or even a gut feeling you have, that the job won’t be a good fit for you,” explains career coach Hallie Crawford . “It can also be a possible issue you sense with the company , why the job is available, your prospective boss, or a team member you’d be working with.” A work-related red flag can be something you witness during the interview, read about in a company review, or hear about through the industry grapevine. But no matter the source, listen to your reaction to the news. “Trust yourself,” Crawford encourages. “If you sense something might be off, listen to that gut instinct and ask about it during the interview.” Picture a disheveled desk, stacks of folders strewn about, a trash can overflowing with crumpled paper- in other words, an office or a person that screams anything but I’ve got it together . This is a red flag you can’t chalk up to a bad day or a sense of disorganization, warns millennial career expert Jill Jacinto . “How we choose to visually express ourselves is part of the interview process. That is why we wear a suit, blow out our hair, or get our shoes shined. We want to show that we have it together.” And trust us: you want your future employer to put in the same kind of effort. “A few loose papers is one thing,” Jacinto concedes, “but a desk covered in papers or garbage is another.” It may seem like a very good thing if you if get offered the job before you even leave your first interview- but in reality, “this could be a red flag because there could be underlying issues,” warns Crawford. Think about it: why is the company so desperate to fill this role? “Perhaps they aren’t able to keep someone in this position for very long, or maybe they fire employees regularly,” Crawford says. Instead of saying yes in this situation, “ask them why the position is available and listen carefully to their answer. Ask to meet your manager and ask him what his ideal employee would be. This will give you insight into their management style and anything that may be going on.” Leaving a job description loose-ended is a recipe for work disaster. Why? Because, as Crawford points out, if an employer can’t clearly define exactly what they want you to do, they may be keeping it vague so they can ask “employees to handle a variety of tasks for little pay” after they’re hired, says Crawford. Or, “they may be just trolling for possible employees to test the market versus actually really intending to hire someone.” If you’re still interested in the job, don’t leave the interview- and certainly don’t accept the position- until you “let the manager know you would like a clarification of the job description,” she says. If they can’t do it when asked, Crawford says, “beware.” Recalls Jacinto, “I was advising a woman a few years ago who said she regrets not picking up on her current boss’ eccentric behavior. He had said during the interview that if he could, he would sleep at the office and spends all his time there. She agreed to come in on weekends for training- but the ‘training’ never stopped. She- and the rest of the staff- were expected to march into work over the weekend to have team meetings and catch ups. Needless to say, she found a better job.” If you see similar red flags during the interview process, “run,” Jacinto warns. “If a boss all-but sleeps at the office, he’ll expect you and your team to bunk down too.” You know what you’re worth - and you know what others make who work in that same job- because you’ve used tools such as Glassdoor’s company salaries search tool to find out. And, “if you are offered less than the salary listed in the posting or lower than what they said their range was, this could be a red flag,” says Crawford. If you find yourself faced with this red flag, “ask about benefits, but if they aren’t offering benefits or can’t define them, they [may just be] trying to take advantage of you.”

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

6 Best Questions to Ask in a Job Interview as a Career Changer

6 Best Questions to Ask in a Job Interview as a Career Changer 6 Best Questions to Ask in a Job Interview as a Career Changer 8 6 Best Questions to Ask in a Job Interview When you’re asked if you have any questions, the worst thing to do is say no, according to the USA Today story “5 Phrases You Should Never Say in a Job Interview.” While you shouldn’t just ask any old question, like, “Do I need a card key to use the restroom?” or “Where’s a good place to grab lunch around here?” you do need to ask a question that relates to the job. If you’re not sure what to ask, here are six of the best questions to ask in a job interview, no matter what industry you’re looking to work in. “Why is this job available?” Maybe it’s a new position. Or maybe the previous person went on maternity leave- and never came back. As a job seeker, it’s a smart move to find out why the position is available, says Nicole Peery, a data entry specialist at. (In fact, these are the questions that she asked during her interview with our company!) Depending on the answer, it can help you determine if you might want the position (i.e., the company is growing and needs someone with your skill set) or not (i.e., the previous employee had a nervous work-related breakdown). “Is there anything that is not on the job posting that you would want someone to know about this position?” It’s almost impossible for a potential employer to list every single solitary job duty on the job description. Asking about other responsibilities can give you an overall view of what the job will entail. “How can someone in this position go the extra mile?” This is the type of question that a potential employer would love to hear! Not only does it show a vested interest in the position, but it also shows an employee’s initiative to go above and beyond the call of duty (or in this case, the job description!) to produce amazing work results. “Its six months from today and youve hired someone for this position. What will they have done to make you think you made the right choice?” Similar to the above question, what you’re essentially asking is, beyond the basic training period and learning curve that comes with having a new job, how can a potential employee shine in this job. It shows that you want to please a potential boss, too. “How would you characterize your management style? What kind of person is successful under this style?” When you ask this type of question, you’re imagining what it would be like to work for a boss like this person. Is the person a micromanager, or more relaxed when dealing with his staff? Beyond deadlines and project management, you’re trying to establish how this person’s managerial style and your work style will mesh together. “What challenges will someone in this position face?” If the job you’re applying for has been held by previous employees, then your boss-to-be will certainly know if they had any issues or came across problems as they related to the position. This question helps you assess former workers’ issues so that you can a) understand any potential pitfalls faced by those who had the job before you and b) figure out a way ahead of time to solve those issues. When you think of it, “a job interview is really a conversation,” says Peery, who also writes the blog, UglyGreenCouch. “The job seeker should use the time as an opportunity to interview the interviewer. Its a two-way street!” So make sure that you have a question (or two) ready for your interviewer, and he’ll quickly see that you’re not only serious about the job, but the ideal candidate for the position! Looking to change careers? Start your job search here!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Definitions of Freelancer Resume

Definitions of Freelancer Resume The Chronicles of Freelancer Resume Clients receive at least 10 resumes on average for each undertaking. You will most likely be asked about it. The goals is to receive a call back. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Freelancer Resume So when the hiring company hasn't provided a salary for work, we look at salary data from related businesses and locations to develop a fair estimate for what you may expect. Don't neglect to factor in any benefits you're offered. Rather, you're seeking to make an impression in the business and bring in more revenue. Still others wish to make the most of the benefits many company workers enjoy benefits which are rarely readily available to freelance workers. A Startling Fact about Freelancer Resume Uncovered Writers who are self-employed and who can also be engaged to any employers for a brief time period should construct a self-employed writer resume to be able to display their job expertise in any tec hnical and internet work. Fresher resumes may also be attached to your internship program, especially in the event you prefer to work in the organization at which you will render your internship. You're returning to conventional employment. In case the letter is addressed to the right individual, there's a substantial chance for him to begin looking into it. Your work is a significant portion of it, but so is your nature and backstory. A specialist photo is an essential piece for making first impressions. As soon as you have selected the WordPress subject of your choice, hosting the site is the sole thing keeping you apart from your awesome online resume. What Needs to be Done About Freelancer Resume Before It's Too Late You might also want to include links to your social networking accounts like LinkedIn. Before launching your company, it is going to be a good idea to understand your prospective revenue. You may probably get by with no more than two or three standard res umes, which you're then adapt further for particular customers. Today, you will find freelancers in virtually any industry. It's almost always preferable to customize your resume depending on the job being supplied. You're not searching for a single job. As a substitute, you will need to tailor your resume for each and every job that you employ for. The most critical reason you ought to is only that you've got to speak right to the particular job which you're browsing for. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Freelancer Resume The specific exact same way a cover letter can permit you to seem well qualified for a single position, it can permit you to seem overqualified to have a different. Your cover letter is at least as essential in creating an excellent first impression to have a prospective employer. A fantastic cover letter is a chance to spell out any defects you could have. The complete most efficient cover letters are custom-tailored to every prospective employ er for optimal effects. On-line writing is not the same ballgame. The Freelancer Union presents cost-free suggestions and proposal templates to help you make an enduring impression. You don't want to provide the appearance that each and every individual freelance assignment is a work shift. It can be difficult to fit an independent career into a traditional resume structure. You can begin a freelance writing career with zero experience. Check to see whether the publication utilizes a theme list. The Debate Over Freelancer Resume Without regard to the reasons, moving back in the workforce will ask you to understand how to highlight freelance work in your resume. Make sure your freelance resume can assist you in getting the interest of your prospective employer. Identify the sort of freelancing jobs you've been into. There are two fundamental tactics used to avoid misrepresenting a freelancing gig. Just because you've got a social networking account doesn't indicate it ought to be on your freelance resume. Well, you should create a business name to utilize for your freelance work too. There are tons of websites which use freelance writers. The thing to keep in mind is that sometimes clients hire freelancers since they don't understand how to do what you do. What is Truly Happening with Freelancer Resume You might not have to manage people, but you need to be self-motivated. People are a great deal more intrigued by your capacity to fix problems and drive outcome, as opposed to the granular details of what you do. By obtaining an excellent comprehension of things you'll be doing everyday on the job you will learn exactlywhat that the fantastic pre-interview project ought to be on demonstrate that you would definitely be the ideal fit. The manner in which you show your work may be an amazing chance to again show why you'd be the most appropriate for the projects you would like to work on. In any event, you don't need to look any further as we have all the freelance resume templates you are ever going to require! It is not overly tricky to use a template. It's not overly hard to use a template. In any case, the template is quite lightweight, and it is a quick loading site. It can be hard to fit an unaffiliated career into a traditional resume structure. The best method to learn a skill is via constant repetition. It's also important to consider about the kind of work you truly wish to get hired to do. Freelance work ought to be included as a boost to your resume, and is less valuable if you're doing work that doesn't relate to your field or wouldn't lead to a reference.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Top Linkedin How to Upload Resume Guide!

Top Linkedin How to Upload Resume Guide! The Battle Over Linkedin How to Upload Resume and How to Win It So inject a small nature and discuss what aspects of your work you're passionate about. You might receive a whole lot of examples on our website the best method to initiate the work letter. You never understand what letters you might require from your Former boss that's the reason why it's excellent that you leave their occupation with an incredible reputation. There's no ideal approach to compose a letter of interest for graduate programs, however there are a lot of ideas you will be able to follow to compose a particular letter that's acceptable for you nicely. Where to Find Linkedin How to Upload Resume Your resume are now put in My Resumesin the Glassdoor app. Once you locate a template You Would love to use, you'll also Double-click the template thumbnail to open it in your document window and begin customizing it instantly! Alternatively, you might download a temp late from a third party website, just make certain it's in a Word format. When you locate the template that you want to utilize, double-click it. The above mentioned step can help you to launch the Edit intro window. PDF edition of your document ahead of using it apply for work. You will also understand the title of your uploaded file, so make sure to name it appropriately. Decide on the kind of document file you need to save as your template. Linkedin How to Upload Resume Options It's your opportunity to add things which don't necessarily work on a resume but that are still related to your job search. A bit of interest may be the ideal selection for you. Your resume ought to be customized for each position you're thinking about. Not all the good time of course, but over 50% of the moment. Once jobs are enabled for Easy Apply you will have the ability to retrieve jobs related to the LinkedIn Recruiter contractId. All businesses can reap the advantages of recognizing the ir employees and ought to consider implementing a proper recognition program. Ensure it is simple to conduct business with you. LinkedIn is among the simplest and most useful sites to import the data of your professional life and place it in digital so as to look for professional opportunities. LinkedIn isn't a work board, it is an expert networking website. LinkedIn can be utilized in a number of ways, and thus don't write it off as just another social networking platform. LinkedIn is an unbelievable asset to your professional and company development. Over the last couple of decades, LinkedIn started supplanting the top job search sites. Additionally, your LinkedIn profile can boost your visibility online and help you construct your professional brand. On the website, you can construct your professional network and engage with them. The capability to save LinkedIn as resume presents another excellent reason to continue to keep your information current at this popular work-related social network. The Hidden Truth About Linkedin How to Upload Resume If you would like to change your resume on LinkedI n later, just stick to the process above. Click the Manage Resumes tab and you need to observe a button to the bottom of the page which says Upload Resume File. Your LinkedIn profile data is pretty general so that it lets you make a generic resume only. You have the choice to customize you LinkedIn URL. LinkedIn can be a really helpful tool in regards to getting your name out there and before the proper men and women. Flexible and collaborative work choices Positive employees are continuously hunting for methods to better their work-life equilibrium. There is nobody type of LinkedIn user (this is a very good thing). While a resume ought to be contained to one or two pages based on your years of experience, there aren't any restrictions on the duration of a LinkedIn profile. Linkedin How to Upload Resume Secrets That No One Else Knows About When you're applying for jobs, you are going to be in a position to select from any of the resumes which you have uploaded. Put money into a headshot taken by a specialist. Recruiters utilize Boolean searches to seek out applicants. Resumes are normally a little restrictive because you adhere to an overall format. They are not searchable or displayed on the website to anyone. The Tried and True Method for Linkedin How to Upload Resume in Step by Step Detail You might provide your note as feed-back to our site vaue. Also, be certain that your file is no greater than 5 MB in proportion. Despite the fact that you know your audience when submitting a resume, you can't know who will be studying your profile. You also have to make sure that you've got an expert photo and a superb number of connections.