Sunday, May 10, 2020

Answering the weakness question - Sterling Career Concepts

Answering the weakness question Answering the weakness question Earlier this month, I addressed the dreaded What is your greatest weakness question as aguest blogger on Scot Herricks Career Management for Cubicle Warriors site.You can read my post here. I read another great post on the topicat BNET, the go-to place for management.I particularly like point #3with its suggestion of sharingaweakness rooted in one of your strengths. I have always discouraged clients from turning astrength into a weakness(I work too hard orIm a perfectionist), but thistakes it a step further and points out a detriment of something you do well and how youve adapted to it.I really like the example thatsshared from a Washington Post articleon the same topic.The bottom line: As annoying as the question is, its unfortunately still asked by some recruiters so you would be smart toprepareyour answerin advance, and as the BNET post mentions, this question is easily disguised or rephrased. As with all aspects of interviewing, preparation is key and can make all the difference in which candidates progress from one round to the next. Chances are you worked your tail off to get the interview, dont drop the ball now keep it going at 110%, because if youre not, your competition is. Well cover how to answer other commonly asked interview questions in future posts.

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