Thursday, May 21, 2020

Ride the Wave of Poor Experience to New Possibility - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Ride the Wave of Poor Experience to New Possibility - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career The attitude of forging past obstacles is what sets the successful apart. It is the rare individual who never makes a poor choice or who enjoys good experiences 100% of the time. For the rest of us, we need an improved mindset for moving forward and getting past those events that bring us down. Time and again, it has been found that poor results from experiments, or, in working with others, force us to face unpleasant situations. By monitoring what took place will frequently provide improved understanding of how to transform these episodes into improved future events. For example, someone employed on a part time basis, took the money but never delivered on services. This runs contradictory to building a returning and referring clientele. On a personal note, I relayed the episode in a blog to release anger. But afterward, I began to second-guess whether that should have been done. The surprising element is, the blog proved to be among the most popular. It was shared a fair amount and nice comments were received. Recognizing the popularity of the subject, the realization came that with a couple of adjustments, the topic could be converted into a new project. None of this would have occurred if I hadn’t experienced the original unpleasant incident. Two Reminders First, maintaining a positive focus throughout the ups and downs enables us to move forward. The second reminder is that when you share something of a personal nature, more people are attracted to you and the circumstance. And if an element of commonality is felt upon reading, your story becomes a great branding and marketing piece. Strive for Excellence Business owners striving to remain in business for the long-term feel a sense of duty to ensure a positive experience for clientele. The process begins with in-depth questions, answers, and clarification to be certain the entire picture is understood from the client perspective. Dependent upon the service, sometimes a timeline is to be laid out and dialogue to take place each step of the way. Once the sale is finalized, and product has had time to be used, checking in again for satisfaction is essential. The same is true over time. No one wants to be sold and forgotten; loyalty exists both ways. The key to successful selling is the development of trust and loyalty. This goes miles for building your personal brand. Laying the proper foundation, your clientele turns into your salesforce. Monitor P.R. on your Behalf Every effort put out should be monitored in regards to the time spent and results seen. Social selling makes this more important than ever. It is imperative that our followings help to promote our work. For example, while working the Twitter platform, it was curious to find that a great surge of companies, from one specific continent, far from where I reside, began to follow me. Review of recent activity was quickly underway. A client of mine asked that I submit an article on behalf of their corporate client. The a-ha moment came upon recognizing that company is located in the same continent as my new followers. Now I specifically know the type of information that interests these companies. In conclusion, monitor every activity as it is implemented to be certain your time is well spent. It is your professional excellence through poor and good times that will move you to the next levels and forward to the Smooth Sale!

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